Sunday, June 21, 2009

Pinewoods Morris Men 2009 AGM

My Morris team held its annual general meeting yesterday at The Point, as customary. Much was discussed and little accomplished, also as customary, aside from the consumption of crisps, beer and some delicious snacks brought by Jan. We did, however, confirm the current squire and bagman for another year (or portion thereof), and the foreman was reappointed.

Business concluded, we piled into cars and drove to the Heritage Museums in Sandwich for some dancing. The hot and humid weather caused us to wrap things up after fewer than a dozen dances, and we capped the trip with rides on the carousel and some portraits in the Art Museum.

As usual, we opened with Highland Mary.

From 2009 PMM AGM

We danced at several places around the grounds and wound up at the carousel for a ride.

After one last stand outside the carousel we went back into the museum for some portraits.

Monday, June 8, 2009

"It's almost like being a Morris Team."

That's how Tom, the concertina player extraordinaire for the Pinewoods Morris Men, once described having Pinewoods dance out on three consecutive weekends. We repeated that rare event this spring, dancing at the Marlboro Morris Ale, the Marlboro Morris Men's Portland gig, and the Bouwerie Boys' annual Suds. I took a few pictures:

2009 Marlboro Morris Ale

2009 Portland Tour

2009 Suds