Saturday, October 12, 2013

Honk! 2013

This afternoon Katy and I walked out to Davis Square to take in some of this year's Honk Festival.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

A summer at Pinewoods

We've been going to Pinewoods Camp off and on for years, but this summer we've been there more than we have for a long time:
  • the second spring work weekend
  • Owen and Alison's wedding
  • July 4th CDS session
  • CDS Labor Day session
  • and just now, the fall work weekend

We had great weather for this work weekend - cool but sunny, with a breeze to help us cool off from heavy lifting. We put docks up on the bank for winter storage, closed cabins, moved a mountain of mulch, and dug new holes for two of the camp outhouses. Here we are preparing to move the second to its new home, a few feet to the right:

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Thanks for the dances, Helene

Helene Cornelius, a long-time Boston English Country dance teacher (and dancer!), died early last month after a fall. I danced with her just a week before she died. The Globe recently published a very nicely-done memorial article, which mentions Pinewoods camp, where Owen's wedding just took place.

Thank you for all the dances, Helene.

Owen and Alison have wed

This past Saturday Owen and Alison were married at Pinewoods. After a wet start on Friday the weather turned beautiful, and the weekend was about as perfect as it could be. Pictures here:

Alison & Owen's wedding