Saturday, December 22, 2007

First Turns

We've had 3 winter storms in the past 10 days, leaving a lot of snow on the ground. This morning Katy and I loaded skis into the back of the Jetta and headed out to the Great Meadows National Wildlife Refuge (GMNWR) in Sudbury for some turns. We weren't disappointed. The snow was untracked, and there was enough depth to let us ski without worrying much about scarring our bases. Wheeeeeeee!

We started off with a little touring to get ourselves used to being back on skis, first south and eastward in the woods...

...and then north along the Sudbury River...

...and eventually west into what I call the "back bowl," where turns can be had.

GMNWR is a beautiful place, especially in winter. I'm glad Katy brought her camera.

And so, my first turns of the winter were gotten the way I like them best: earned without a lift in the quiet and solitude of the New England woods. Merry Christmas!

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